
Below are introductory samples from select sections within Sponsorships 101.
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SECTION 1 – Sponsorship Basics
The typical sponsorship relationship has the sponsor paying the property for specific rights and benefits, often referred to as sponsorship assets. Depending on the popularity and the value of the property...
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SECTION 2 – Why Sponsorships?
Most companies sign sponsorship deals to achieve a specific business objective. Sponsorships are too expensive and corporations face much greater scrutiny in terms of accountability than in years past to not have the investment tied to measurable business reasons...
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SECTION 3 – How to Choose a Sponsorship (Understand the Sponsoring Company or Brand)
At this point, we're going to focus on how to choose the best sponsorship for a particular company. There are two steps in this selection process…
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SECTION 4 – How to Choose a Sponsorship (Understand the Sponsorship Market)
How do you know if the sponsorship “fits” your organization? Keep in mind the acronym “FITS”…
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SECTION 5 – How to Negotiate a Sponsorship
The first thing to keep in mind is that each negotiation is a value proposition. In most sponsorship relationships, the property owns assets (e.g., use of logos and trademarks, tickets, media, etc.) that are in demand by the potential sponsor...
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SECTION 6 – How to Evaluate a Sponsorship Package
As part of negotiating a sponsorship, you must understand how to accurately evaluate each of the elements within the package. If not, there's a very good chance your company will pay more than the deal is worth. In most sponsorship packages...
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SECTION 7 – How to Develop a Sponsorship Activation Plan
Now that you've finalized the sponsorship deal, what's next? What do you do with the assets you've obtained in the deal? Where do you start? Who should you include in the planning process? This section is designed to answer those and other questions...
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SECTION 8 – How to Break Through the Clutter
A sponsor is often just one of a larger group of at least 20 companies that have secured similar sponsorship rights and benefits from the property. You could reason, then, that sponsors are competing against each other for attention from the property's target audience...
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SECTION 9 – Importance of Research & Testing
The most important consideration when selecting a property for a company to sponsor is that the fans of the property (e.g., attendees, viewers, listeners) must be the same as the company's target audience. If the fans aren't the company's customers...
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SECTION 10 – How to Measure the Value of a Sponsorship
In Section 6, we discussed how to evaluate a sponsorship package based on the assets within the package and the planned activation. That evaluation is used to estimate the value of the sponsorship to a company and is used to negotiate a deal. This process to evaluate the actual value to the company is very similar. The main difference is...
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SECTION 11 – Understanding Areas of Vulnerability
Like most national properties, the NFL is designed to drive revenue on both the national and the local level. On the national level, the NFL sells league sponsorships which include use of the league's intellectual property...
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